Thursday, May 16, 2013


Compliments.. sometimes you need it, sometimes you don`t even care, truely depends on the situation and who it comes from. Thats my personal take. Well we all have our views, needs and feeds thats a true variation.

Compliments out of sincerety or plainly to attract or in some cases a cynical or sarcastic approach, thats if you are good in realizing the intent of the compliment at the first place. That if you wanna take it seriously, or another approach is to careless which is the safest way i guess.

Sometimes compliments do motivate, sometimes it demotivates if used the other way round. Intimidation also can be caused. As a human being with emotions we expect at a certain level some kind off compliment or appreciation, yes thats the other word i guess that can be used that means the same.

In a cheeky way.. you can use compliment to trigger a person to be moved or heartfelt, that is if that person is the kinda sensitive on that matter or other words just to tease his or her mind and emotions. Depends solely how you wanna use it and when to use it. The beauty of an action which mostly is verbal, that can be inevitable to the human soul.

Wow oh wow... you compliments do trigger me. Thinking and writting. Aihhhh...(tweeking my forehead)


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