Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Listen To The Heartbeats

Listen to the heart beats

I heard a voice
It cries a river...a crimson river..

Listen to heart beats
I heard a whisper
A soft lovely whisper..
That wont last forever

Listen to the hearts beats
I heard a laugh
A tough rough laugh
That never had enough
Of life and its love...

Listen to the heart beats
It tells some stories

Some faking happy ending
Like princess and the fairies
Running happily at the prairies
Smiling, singing and dancing

Listen to the heart beats
I feel alive in a dying heart
Awake from a sleepless night
Rising from a fall
Knowing that i got it all

Listen to heart beats
Just listen....


Days come and go.

Sleepless night ...
Tears in my eyes..
Running weak on my cheeks..

All was sudden..
Nothing come to sense.
Heart broken so deep..
Feel like it was the end..

The memories was so strong..
Seemed unbreakable..
But Fate has Its own ways..

We tried for a chance and a change..
But whats not meant will never be..

With this heart ache..
I moved on.. with a hope..
Just a smile to cover the troubled soul.

Unseen and Untold..
The Vault to My heart..


Terhenti detik, di tika hening.
Merenung masa yg telah pergi.

Sekilas alam terlintas, Kesempitan waktu.
gugurnya setiap titisan dosa.. atas alpanya jiwa.
tiada pahala mengimbang daya..
Hanya tangis sesal..
Hanya Rintihan keampunan
Yang mungkin tiada makna...

Adakah kan hadir doa?
Adakah kan dtg kiriman dari mereka?
Pernahkah ada?
Adakah aku memberi?
Persoalan dalam kepincangan minda...

Andai ku tinggalkan Duka.. Maafkan Aku..
Andai ku tinggalkan beban... bencilah aku...
Andai ku tiada bermakna... Lupakanlah aku..
Visi siksanya di tika itu..

Meraung tangisan Sunyi...
Di Akhir waktu.. mungkin yg pasti aku bersendiri...
prejudis diriku yg tiada optimis...
