Thursday, January 15, 2009

Aching Body!!

Huh last nite futsal game was a bang...
havent been playing for like months...

it was good..tiring like hell since we only had 8 players!!!
so no substitution...and definately had given my all last night...

but the best thing is my team won heheheh 8 - 6 and that was fun..hehehe...
went home around 11.30pm and slept around 12.45am...

woke up around 6.05am and now...

MY BODY IS ACHING LIKE HELL!!!! uhuhuhuh....


  1. also played futsal last nite... he claimed he was 'semput" playing on the 1st 10mins... LOL

  2. wahhh that means he is "SEMPUTER" then me least i played full 1 hour with 10 minutes rest..
    thats why my body is aching and shocked huhuh

  3. ohh no wonder..then sis should suggest to him not to push to hard...and take gud care of his health...

  4. InsyaAllah....nowadays he cannot play hard on futsal, football even even badminton....sure semput one....cian... :((
